Consumer Disclaimer: Cariloha Bamboo™ fabrics are made of viscose from bamboo.
How to Put on a Duvet Cover
- Flip the duvet cover inside out and lay down on the bed so that the opening opens up at the foot of the bed.
- Lay the comforter on top of the cover so that each of the corners of the comforter meet the corresponding corners of the duvet cover.
- Starting at the head of the bed, roll both the duvet cover and the comforter down the entire length of the bed, similar to how you would roll up a rug.
- Once everything is rolled up into a giant burrito shape, reach into one corner of the opening of the duvet cover, and pull that end of the burrito roll into the cover. This will result in that end of the duvet cover popping back right-side-in. Repeat this on the other end of the burrito roll.
- At this point, you'll have what looks like a long, burrito-shaped pillow, with the outside of your duvet cover showing. Simply unroll the whole burrito back toward the head of the bed, and you'll be left with a comforter that has been neatly and snugly placed within the duvet cover with no gaps.