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Customer Testimonials

Bamboo Bath Towel Set

Super Soft towels

"I own these towels in several colors and love them! They dry quickly and don’t harbor mildew smells. They stay soft and absorbent wash after wash. I would definitely recommend."

Hand Towel Set

Soft & Absorbent

"This is now my third set of these sametowels and I will continue to add more to other bathrooms. They are so soft and absorbent and match my onyx bath towel perfectly."


Love Them!

"Excellent quality and they lather up so well! I've been a Cariloha fan for years but just now trying these and I am in love!"

Woman holding Cariloha Towels

A Spa-Like Experience

Get ready to feel like you’re at a spa every time you use our bamboo-viscose bath sets. They are all made with extra-smooth, bamboo-viscose-blended yarn for maximum comfort. These luxurious towel sets are also highly absorbent, helping you dry off quickly. All of our towel and washcloth sets are naturally odor-resistant and moisture-wicking, so you’ll feel clean and fresh after every use.


These bathroom towel sets are designed with the whole family in mind, and are made to last for many years. They are made with durable yarn to keep them safe through many uses and washes, and they remain just as soft as the first use every time. These towels and washcloth sets will soon be well-loved by every member of the family.

Stack of towels and bath robe
bamboo washcloths

Soft & Sustainable

Our bath towel sets are made from a blend of viscose from bamboo, which naturally repels odors and allergens, creating a bathroom that is both clean and comfortable. These bamboo-viscose bath towels are not only comfortable and clean, but sustainable, too.